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10 Most Common WordPress Errors And How To Fix Them (Infographic)

10 Most Common WordPress Errors And How To Fix Them

Anyone who has set up or maintained a WordPress website – however simple and straight forward it can be – most likely would have come across an error or two in their time: the white screen of death, internal server error and error establishing database connection to name a few. There is an ever-growing list of errors that WordPress users are experiencing, which can lead to the depths of despair. Yet WordPress is constantly gaining in popularity.

If you are wrestling with WordPress you can suspend your frustrations because you are part of a huge community; you have everything you need at your fingertips and can get help with your WordPress errors by support teams and blogs such as this one.

We at Newt Labs have put together an infographic on 10 of the most common WordPress errors and how to fix them. By providing you with this insightful information the learning and solution to your particular issue goes hand in hand. And in doing so we also provide you with a really useful guide should something go wrong in the future.

Feel free to use this infographic in whatever way suits you best: you can save and post it on your own blog, print it out and put it on your wall or simply bookmark it. If you do publish it on your site please link to this original article as a reference.

If the solutions suggested here do not fix your particular issue then we would be more than happy to help, just let us know in the comments section or get in touch. As always we advise taking a backup of your website before you make any changes so you can revert should you need to.

Below you’ll see suggestions on how to solve some of the most common WordPress errors and whilst you can use this infographic to resolve issues yourself, it is still a good idea to get advice from a professional WordPress support team to ensure that everything is addressed properly and that there are no underlying complications left unresolved.

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