When Disaster Strikes, Will Your Data Be Safe?

Imagine spending countless hours on your website, only for it all to vanish overnight due to a hardware hiccup or server disaster.
The sheer thought is terrifying. That's why we've curated a service focused on safeguarding your website's data.

Detailed Snapshots

We capture frequent, thorough snapshots of your server, capturing every essential detail.

Safe Storage

Each backup is securely stored and guarded against any external threats or data breaches.

Rapid Recovery

Should the worst happen, we ensure quick data restoration, minimising downtime and disruption.

Shield Your Data Today

Comprehensive. Reliable. Swift.

Stay a step ahead of uncertainty with our server backups. Like a digital insurance, we create snapshots of your server, ensuring that in the face of adversity, you're covered.

Weekly Server Snapshots

Capture the essence of your entire server every week, ensuring your site's core is safeguarded.

Swift Restores

If things go sideways, we're ready to get your site back on track with minimal downtime.

Data Integrity

We use state-of-the-art methods to ensure that your data remains untouched and as genuine as when it was stored.

Secure Storage

Backups are stored in safe spaces, keeping your data shielded from external threats and prying eyes.

Hands-Off Approach

No need to fidget with any settings. We handle everything in the background, so you can run your site stress-free.

Dedicated Support

Questions or concerns about your backups? Our team is here to guide you through and ensure clarity.

Get More Customers with WordPress Hosting

Server Backups are included with our Performance WordPress Care plan to boost your website’s speed, security, and ease of use.

Site Fast 24/7

Top servers and setup
with WordPress Cloud Hosting

No Disruptions

Domain name & DNS managed
with Domain Name Management

Stay Trusted

Protect user data
with an SSL Certificate

No Surprises

Test site changes before they go live
with a Staging Website

All Emails Delivered

Reliable email delivery
with Transactional Emails

Keep Data Safe

Regular server snapshots
with Server Backups

If you have a larger website, like for a medium business, school, or online magazine, try our Performance WordPress Care plan. If your site has lots of products, places for users to log in, ways to pay, or lots of videos and photos, our WordPress Hosting service is a good fit.

Don't Leave Your Website's Fate to Chance

Frequently Asked Questions

How often are backups taken?

Every week, we take a backup of your entire server and we keep each one for a whole month.

Where is the backup data stored?

We use encrypted, high-security storage spaces to safeguard your backups which are in the same datacenter as your server.

What if I need to restore my site from a backup?

We usually bring your website back using one of your daily backups, because our hardware is super strong. Just give us a shout, and we'll handle the website restore for you.

How long are backups kept?

Each week, we make a backup of your server, and it's stored for a month. On top of that, we save a daily backup of your site that we keep for 90 days. So, rest easy knowing we've got multiple layers of safety for your data!

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