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Boost Organic Traffic – 7 Simple Strategies to Get Noticed

Your brand wants to be visible, which means being easy to find for users on major search engines. You will want to consider how you can boost your organic SEO for local searches and relevant keywords.

Start Using Natural Keywords

Keyword stuffing is a thing of the past. If you are trying to force your keywords into your content, then search engines are likely to deem your content garbage. Instead, look for topics that are relevant to your audience, highly searched and contain important keywords. Then, write honestly on these topics and include valuable information for your audience.

Lean on Emotion

A good inbound marketing consultant or agency will tell you that far too many companies try to push their products and services rather than offer up content that their target audience actually wants to see. In order to set yourself apart, look for ways to inspire and move your audience by leaning on the types of stories that will tug on their emotions. The more interesting and appealing your content is, the more sharing and traffic (which naturally boosts SEO) you will receive.

Include Authoritative Links

It’s easy to back up your content with links from other authoritative sources. Search engines love to see pages that have plenty of places for users to go. Few or no outbound links are more likely to make your website look like a poor resource that isn’t really going to be helpful to the users of the search engine. Since search engine algorithms are created to keep the interest of the user in mind, websites that look like poor tools are going to organically rank lower on the list.

Think Location

Make sure you take full opportunity of location-based searches by posting about relevant information for your area. You can attract local business by landing high in the search results for local stories, social events and more.

Nurture Your Leads

Search engines love to see incoming traffic from outside sources, so create content and tools that are share-worthy. You may want to spend time in creating valuable texting services that focus on passing important information, deals and savings on to your select group of users. Additionally, text marketing software can be used to notify interested leads in additional content that you deem relevant for wherever they are currently at in your sales pipeline.

Just Ask

As simple as it sounds, simply asking other sites to link to your own is a great way to get third party votes for a SEO ranking boost. Outside websites that choose to back link to your content provide a search engine with proof that your site is worth checking out. You can even offer to guest blog, or ask another blogger to guest blog on your site, in order to create a sure fire incentive for a back link.

Blog More

If you haven’t started a blog for your brand, start one now. Blogging adds additional pages that can be archived with search engines – something that will increase your keyword reach and simultaneously prove value to the search engine. Search engines are more likely to rank websites higher in the results that are bigger, more frequently visited, updated and have been around longer than the other websites with similar content to match the phrases in question. Set up a content calendar to keep your posts interesting, valuable and posted regularly.

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About Sophorn Chhay

Avatar for Sophorn ChhaySophorn is the marketing guy at Trumpia, the most complete SMS software with mass sms messaging, smart targeting and automation.

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