content creator holding a mug with the words like a boss

How to Create High-Converting Content Like a Boss

As your company’s content marketer, you’re faced with the daunting and somewhat constantly challenging task of having to create content that, ideally, converts every single lead into a paying customer. However, if this was as easy it as sounds, then everybody would be doing it.

There are several tricks and tips you can remember when creating your content that can help guide you to the most successful content possible. Today, we’ll explore some of these processes, boosting your conversion rates dramatically.

Focus on Your Headline

Let’s imagine that you’re fishing for leads. Whether these leads are swimming about on search engine result pages, your website or social media profiles, your headline is your bait and hook that’s going to draw those leads into your content initially.

This means you need a headline that has a tonne of impact. Get this bit wrong, and your leads are simply going to bounce. As a rule of thumb, use about eight words in your headline, contain listicles with an odd number of segments and try to ask a question, rather than using exclamation marks or full stops.

Nail the Intro

Your first paragraph will define whether your readers will stay reading the article or think something along the lines of ‘No, this isn’t for me’. As you can see from the introduction to this article, you’ve got two paragraphs.

The first sets the scene and asks the questions, in this case, generating the question or situation regarding converting content. The second two sentences state how this article is going to provide you with information regarding the proposed situation.

Always try and keep your intros short and sweet, set the scene and propose what your article sits out to do. Give your readers a reason to keep reading.

Using Visual Media

“Statistics show that images and video media can be processed by the human brain 60,000 faster than it can written text,” says Richard Price, a content writer for Academized. This is why it’s so important to add visual media to your content posts.

There are also several reasons why things need to be implemented. The main reason is that visual media can draw emotional connections between your reader and your content. It also helps your written text become more understandable and helps to make your articles scannable. All these points will make your content more engaging and highly convertible.

Use a Variety of Visual Media

While on the subject of using visual media, don’t forget that you can get really creative with what you use to help your business stand out from the crowd. You’re not just restricted to using photos you’ve pulled from the internet. For example, you could include; infographics, charts, tables, screenshots, concept art, drawings, user-generated images, behind-the-scenes imagery and more. The more diverse your image range, the better.

Use Online Tools for Quality Checking

The quality checking stage of your content creation process is by far the most important. If you upload poor-quality content that’s full of spelling mistakes and other basic errors, you’re going to seriously harm the reputation and credibility of your articles and your business.

Here’s a collection of tools that can help you with this process.

  1. To vs Too – A free online blog for refreshing your essential knowledge on grammar.
  2. EssayRoo – An online writing agency that can help and provides proofreading and editing services.
  3. State of Writing – An online blog resource full of writing guides for creating marketing content.
  4. Easy Word Counter – A free online tool for tracking and monitoring your content’s word count.
  5. Boom Essays – A popular online service full of content writing guides, as featured in Huffington Post.
  6. Cite It In – An online tool for adding professionally formatted quotes and citations to your content.
  7. OXEssays – A comprehensive online writing community to help with your content creation process.

Ease of Reading

The easier you make your marketing content to read and the easier it is to digest, the higher your conversion rates and your engagement rates will be. Imagine if you were reading this article and it was one big block of text. You’d probably take one look at it and hit the back button.

To avoid this from happening. There are several things you can do. Firstly, divide your article’s points up with sub-headings. You may also want to use bullet points and use bold text to make important key points stand out. It also helps to break up your text into sections that are 2-3 sentences long.

Use Calls to Action

One of the most overlooked aspects of low conversion rates is not using calls to action (CTAs) in your content. When you reader reaches the end of your post, you should place a clear CTA telling your reader what to do next. If you don’t tell them, your users aren’t going to search around for it; they’ll simply go elsewhere.

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About Mary Walton

Avatar for Mary WaltonMary is an editor at <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Australian Help</a>. She has a blog - <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Simple Grad</a>, where she writes about education and writing. Also, Mary is a CV proofreader at <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Resumention</a>, there she helps people land the perfect job.

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