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How to Outsource Your Blog Content Creation

Running a website or an online business can be a stressful and time-consuming job. While many people might be attracted to the world of ecommerce as a way to “be their own boss”, establishing a profitable online presence certainly takes a lot of work. From designing the website, engaging with your readership and customers, doing outreach campaigns, and an infinite list of other tasks, maintaining an engaging blog for your prospective clients often falls to the wayside.

Below, we offer an in-depth look at why maintaining an engaging and up-to-date blog is important for your website, and the best places to outsource your blog content creation.

Why Is a Blog Important?

Up to about a decade ago, most blogs were simply personal online journals. Young people travelling the world or mums and dads wanting to share insights from their parenting journey would upload stories, anecdotes, and lessons learned to their blogs in order to share these lessons with the wider world.

As ecommerce gradually came to define the consumer preference of an entire generation, however, the blog transformed from a personal diary to an essential and valuable advertising tool to help companies interact with their clients and attract new customers.

In the world dominated by Google searches, a quality blog allows small, web-based businesses to create constant, relevant content that maintains their website pertinent and up to date. In terms of search engine optimization (SEO), a good blog also is a great way to increase the likelihood that the robots behind Google’s complex algorithms will rank your website higher in their searches and thus allow your website to gain more visibility.

As most experienced inbound marketers and successful ecommerce business leaders know, quality blog content is thus an indispensable part of engaging with people on the internet and attracting them towards whatever you are offering.

The problem, of course, is that quality, SEO-enhanced blog posts that are useful, informative, and engaging with your target audience are not easy to come by. Not everyone is a natural writer, and it can take a lot of your valuable time to try to pump out interesting blog posts on a daily or weekly basis.

Furthermore, after maintaining a blog for several months or years, it can be easy to simply run out of ideas. Your readership or prospective customers might grow tired of reading similar content that is written from the same perspective. Bringing in new writers with a fresh voice, new insight, and innovative ideas is a great strategy to stay involved with your clients and offer them new information.

Fortunately, there are dozens, if not hundreds, of freelance writers on the Internet who can offer quality blog writing services at a competitive price. There are also, however, individual writers and writing agencies that offer substandard content that might actually decrease your readership and the negatively affect the success of your online business.

Learning how to distinguish amongst the freelance writers all vying for your attention is certainly not easy, but below we offer a few tips and suggestions to help you find and hire the best writers to outsource your blog content.

Try Freelance Platforms

One of the easiest ways to find writers for your blog content is to sign up on one of the many freelance websites. There are dozens of these platforms that allow freelance writers from around the world to create an account and market themselves to prospective clients.

On the plus side, most freelance platforms are free if you want to post a job, and you aren’t required to hire a writer if you feel that the applications you receive are simply not up to par. Another benefit of these websites is that there is also a huge amount of competition, meaning that you should be able to negotiate a decent price amongst the proposals you receive.

On the downside, it can be hard to know what you are getting with the individual freelancers you may hire. Oftentimes, a writer might market himself or herself as a native English speaker when in fact their English is at a middle-school level, at best.

When searching for a good writer on freelance websites, make sure to always ask for writing samples that have been published on the web. This will allow you to find writers with a proven track record who can show competence and experience in the particular field you are looking for. For example, if you run a food website, make sure to ask for writers who can show prior writing samples that have been published under their name on similar food websites.

While all of the freelance websites on the web have their pros and cons, Upwork is certainly one of the most widely used and has upwards of 2 million freelancers in their system, though not all are writers. Freelancer is another great website where freelance writers can actually compete against one another to showcase their skills. This allows you to detect the best writers for your particular needs.

Don’t Hire a Preschool Teacher to Teach PhD Advanced Physics

One of the problems with freelance platforms, however, is that you tend to find writers who are only competent at creating generic content. Not all websites and blogs are the same, and it is important to know where to search for the best blog writers for the content you need.

While finding writers to create product descriptions for your ecommerce website might be relatively straightforward, creating a lasting relationship with skilled writers who have the ability to reliably produce academic-grade content is not always easy.

Many freelance writers will have general university degrees (at best) and will simply not be able to write competently for a blog that aims to create scholarly, intellectual content for a specific audience.

Suppose you have a website that engages with readers who have an interest in Asian history. Trying to find a writer with a Master’s degree in Polynesian Ethnic History on one of the freelance platforms will be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Fortunately, there are other websites that specialize in delivering high-quality literary content for your blog and have the ability to maintain the rigorous academic and scholastic standards that some blogs might require.

Any of the websites shortly reviewed below will allow you to develop relationships with a team of qualified writers who can deliver top-notch academic content.

  • Rewarded Essays: Rewarded Essays is a company that works with professional writers who have the ability to produce college-level essays and papers completely from scratch so that you will not have to worry about issues with plagiarism. Furthermore, they have reasonable prices and a great customer service support.
  • Supreme Dissertations: This website is run by a group of people who know the challenge of staying up all night to finish that already past due academic paper. While it is oriented towards students, they also have the ability to produce high quality academic content for blogs. Furthermore, they include several free features such as free bibliography services.
  • Flash Essay: When you need a top-notch blog post with a short turnaround time, Flash Essay is a quality company to rely on. They only work with writers who have a Master’s degree or PhD and routinely offer discounts and promos on their website. They also have a super secure non-disclosure policy that is essential for confidentiality and security.
  • Get Good Grade: The name of this website obviously shows that it is primarily oriented towards students and academic papers. However, Get Good Grade also specializes in business papers as well. They ensure that every document you order from them, including a blog post, will be well researched and well written.
  • Hot Essay Service: This website offers a wide variety of writing services, including essays, dissertations, research papers, editing, resumes or CVs, among others. Their document formatting is included in the cost of the writing service. Their website also has a helpful calculator to help you get an idea of how much you can expect to spend for a quality and educational blog post for your website.
  • Top Writers Review: This unique website offers in-depth reviews of a wide range of essay writing services on the web. With so many different freelance writing companies on the internet, it can be difficult to know which ones offer authentic services that fit the bill for your blog, and Top Writers Review can help you begin the process of choosing the best writing company to partner with.
  • Rated By Students: Lastly, Rated by Students is another website that reviews and assesses different writing services that are available online. They allow you to easily search for the best writing services by price, rating, or delivery so that you can be sure to find the company that meets your specific needs.

Academic content for your blog also requires the correct style citations and bibliography. Different academic disciplines rely on a wide variety of citation styles, including APA (American Psychological Association) used primarily by Education, Psychology, and Sciences, MLA (Modern Language Association) primarily utilized by the Humanities, among others.

This can certainly be confusing, and Citatior is an easy to use online citation and bibliography generator that will help you to get your bibliography references done rightly. You can choose between a wide range of citation styles including APA, MLA, Chicago style, APSA, Vancouver, ASA, AMA, Harvard style and more.

If you feel that you simply don’t have the necessary time to dedicate to maintaining an engaging blog, or if your personal writing skills aren’t up to par, any of the websites listed above will allow you to hire qualified writers that will work with you to deliver excellent content to help grow your website and online business goals.

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About Amanda Sparks

Avatar for Amanda SparksAmanda is a professional marketer and writer for <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Canada-Writers</a>. She is passionate about developing innovative and customer-friendly solutions for brands. You can follow Amanda on <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.

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