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How To Write Customer Focused Content For Conversions

Despite the progress in technology, we still rely on the millennia-old skill to persuade people to buy our products. It’s writing.

Creating outstanding content remains one of the core components of getting your website to the top. While copied content may work short term, you have to create unique engaging content to drive traffic constantly.

Conversions also rely on your website copy a lot. Even if you outsource your content creation, you have to know the basics to control the quality of work.

This article is about top 10 factors that influence your conversion, both in website copy and blog articles.

How to write content for a website

In a perfect world, customers will buy your products because they know how good they are. In reality, you have to explain every last bit of information about your product to them.

Make a misstep, and your customers will find another company to work with in a few clicks. Here’s how to avoid losing them.

Know your customers

Website copy is a lot like talking to a client at a good old store. You have to explain what you are offering first, answer all the questions they might have, and then you may sell something.

The problem is that you don’t know what questions they may have. This is why for your landing page to speak clearly to customers, you have to get to know your customers first.

This is what a leading SEO blog suggests you do:

  • Conduct email surveys
  • Study the reviews
  • Analyze chat logs
  • Conduct personal interviews

All of these give you an idea of what your customers think. You learn what their values are, what their problems are with the product, and how you can help them.

Use this knowledge to make your website better.

Focus on the heading

People have short attention spans now. Thanks to sites like YouTube you have mere seconds to grab their attention before they’re off.

While a great design is a must, it’s not our focus today. The first phrase or heading a client sees on your website should speak volumes about your business.

You have to compress the essence of your business to a short phrase. It can’t be generic, either.

For instance, “The Best Plumbing in Illinois” is not the best headline. “We keep the water running” is much better.

Take a look at how Contently does it. Sharp and short.

own your audience

Treat the headline and the subheading as a tweet. Experiment with it, and you’ll get it right.

Use imagery

Words are great, but sometimes people don’t have time for them. Use imagery to break up your text and give your customer an easier reading experience.

You may use video storytelling just like Contently did, or provide illustrations that help understand the idea behind your product.

If you have multiple product pages on your website, invest in a good commercial photographer to bring the pictures to another level.

Keep it simple

Your product or service may be interesting or may require an in-depth explanation. This doesn’t mean you have to make your homepage 1,500 words long.

Keep the first page as short and visual as possible, and provide a link to an explanation page where it’s suitable.

Clear CTA

Don’t make people look for the “buy” button. It’s the most frustrating thing on the Internet.

Make your primary and secondary CTAs as clear and engaging as you can.

For instance, “click here” is an example of bad button text. “Download now” is way better.

How to write content for a blog

Now that you know the basics of creating website copy, let’s get to the finer details. Here is how you make your blog great.

Categorise content

You can find the basics of setting up a blog in this blogging guide. Many steps you’ve likely already gone through. But there’s one thing that can help your blog progress from mediocre to great from the start.

The ultimate beginner’s advice is categorising your blog content. Google bots just love when it’s all neat and tidy in the URL section. Here are two examples of how you can go about categories. You guess what’s best for you.


Keyword research

You can’t convert people who are not interested in buying. To get more of the right people, you have to do keyword research before you write an article.

Sure your business already has a couple of keywords that consist of one word but you need to pursue a wider variety of longer keywords. Let’s say your website focuses on “healthy foods.” In this instance you’d be pursuing keywords like “buy broth NYC.”

These are commercial keywords, you convert the customers with your website copy. For a blog, you have to find keyword ideas that are questions.

For instance, if you google “broth” and scroll down, you can easily find one.

google suggested search keywords

Dig deeper, and you will find dozens of ideas for articles that people are searching for. Here are other places you can look at:

  • Reddit
  • Quora
  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Answer The Public

Here are the questions you have to answer for yourself when analysing keywords you’ve initially populated:

  • Are people interested in this?
  • Do good competing articles exist?
  • Will you be able to write a better one?

Got a list? Let’s get writing.

Engaging, in-depth content

People find your blog posts because they want answers. Your job is to give them the fullest answer you can.

Make sure to keep the text simple and scannable, especially for articles exceeding 800 words.

Some types of articles are more likely to convert than others. For instance, buyer’s guides, and articles that explain how to use your product. People who read them are on the last stages of the sales funnel.

Keep your message crystal clear there, and include a CTA at the bottom.

Customer retention

While blog articles may not result in many conversions right away, they can help you build a customer base to market to. Here are some ways to make a soft conversion:

  • Make it easy to post the article on social media
  • Encourage to subscribe to the newsletter
  • Allow visitors to download a useful asset
  • Offer a free webinar

All of them keep the visitor on your website and bring you more profit. Reposts mean you have more visibility, and another subscriber means a potential customer.

The Ultimate tip: analyse

The number one tip of writing for conversions is analysis. This guide is a great place to start, but you have to evolve.

Analyse how your website and content performs, and adjust your writing to what works best.

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About Amanda Sparks

Avatar for Amanda SparksAmanda is a professional marketer and writer for <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Canada-Writers</a>. She is passionate about developing innovative and customer-friendly solutions for brands. You can follow Amanda on <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Twitter</a>.

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