a woman recording herself with a smartphone while eating pizza

Top 5 Influencer Marketing Campaign Tools

Influencer marketing has come a long way. In the past, it was seen as a way to reach out to celebrities with a large social media following and get them to promote your product or service.

Nowadays, influencer marketing is a much more strategic and nuanced process. It involves working with social media users who have built up a strong relationship with their followers and who can provide valuable insights into your target market.

There are a number of different tools you can use to manage an influencer marketing campaign. Today, our focus will be on identifying 5 key types of tools you need to managing influence marketing campaigns effectively, as well as offer examples of each to get you started.

Lets first take a look at some of the tasks that are expected of influencer marketers, however, to give you a better sense of what sorts of tools are even required.

What Do Influencer Marketers Do?

As an influencer marketer, you’ll need to do the following, likely on a daily basis:

  • Find and contact potential influencers: First, you’ll need to identify who the potential influencers are in your industry. Once you’ve compiled a list, you’ll need to reach out and contact them.
  • Negotiate terms and conditions: Once you’ve identified potential influencers, you’ll need to negotiate the terms and conditions of your partnership. This will include things like compensation, content requirements, and post frequency.
  • Create content for the campaign: Once you’ve secured partnerships with influencers, you’ll need to create the content for the campaign. This can include anything from blog posts and social media posts to videos and images.
  • Monitor campaign performance: After launching your campaign, you’ll need to monitor its performance. This includes tracking metrics like reach, engagement, and conversions.
  • Analyse campaign results: Finally, once the campaign is over, you’ll need to analyse the results. This will help you determine what worked well and what can be improved for future campaigns.

Now that we’ve gone over some of the tasks involved in influencer marketing, let’s take a look at the five types of tools you need to manage an effective campaign.

5 Influencer Marketing Campaign Tools You Need for Success

influencer marketers (or those running their campaigns) will need the following tool types to make the most of their campaigns.

1. Social Media Management Tools

As an influencer marketer, you’ll be spending a lot of time on social media. As such, it’s important to have a good social media management tool in place. This will help you save time by allowing you to track all your social media channels in one place, schedule posts in advance, and track your campaign’s performance.


Some of the best social media management tools on the market include:

  • Hootsuite: Hootsuite is one of the most popular social media management tools out there. It offers a free plan for small businesses, as well as enterprise plans for larger businesses.
  • Buffer: Buffer is another popular social media management tool. It offers a free plan for individuals and small teams, as well as paid plans for larger teams.
  • Sprout Social: Sprout Social is a social media management tool designed specifically for businesses. It offers a free trial, as well as paid monthly plans.

2. Influencer Search and Outreach Tools

It’s also important to have a good influencer search and outreach tool on hand to help you quickly find and contact potential influencers.


Some of the best influencer search and outreach tools you may wish to consider include:

  • BuzzSumo: BuzzSumo is a tool that allows you to search for content and influencers. Some of its standout features include its influencer search tool and its ability to track competitor campaigns. It also makes it a lot easier to figure out what sorts of content resonates with people and what’s best to be left in drafts.
  • Traackr: Traackr is an influencer relationship management tool. It offers a free plan for individuals, as well as paid plans for businesses and covers everything you need to keep track of to manage a campaign effectively, including discovery, campaign management, collaboration, and reporting.
  • Klear: Klear is an influencer marketing platform you can use it to find, contact, and track your relationships with influencers.

3. Content Creation Tools

Creating high-quality content is essential for any successful influencer marketing campaign. It makes sense then why you’ll need a good content creation tool in place. This will help you easily create and track your content, as well as measure its performance.


Some of the best content creation tools on the market include:

  • CoSchedule: CoSchedule is a tool that helps you plan, publish, optimise, and measure your content. It offers a free trial, as well as paid monthly plans.
  • Hootsuite Insights: Hootsuite Insights is a tool that allows you to easily create and track your social media content. It offers a free plan for small businesses, as well as paid plans for larger businesses.
  • Quuu: Quuu is a content curation tool that allows you to easily find and share high-quality content. Features include content recommendations, content scheduling, and analytics.

4. Campaign Tracking Tools

Another toolset you’ll need is a means of tracking your campaign’s performance to determine its success. Campaign tracking tools assist with this tremendously. And they can help you track metrics like reach, engagement, and conversions.


Here are a few of the best campaign tracking tools:

  • Google Analytics: Google Analytics is a free tool that allows you to track your website’s traffic and conversions.
  • Mixpanel: Mixpanel is a paid tool that allows you to track your campaign’s engagement and conversions.
  • Heap: Heap is a paid tool that allows you to track your website’s visitors and their interactions.

5. Results Analysis Tools

Finally, once your campaign is over, you’ll need a good results analysis tool in place to help you determine what worked well and what can be improved. This will help you create better campaigns in the future.


Some of the best results analysis tools on the market include:

  • Moz: Moz offers a suite of tools to help you with your SEO, including a keyword research tool and an analysis tool.
  • Advanced Web Ranking: Advanced Web Ranking is a tool that allows you to track your website’s performance in search engines.
  • Serpstat: Serpstat is a tool that allows you to track your website’s traffic and performance.

With these tools in place, you’ll be well on your way to managing a successful influencer marketing campaign.

Influencer Marketing Campaign Tools Make Management Easier

Having these five types of tools on hand will make it a breeze to manage any size or scope influencer marketing campaign. If you want your next campaign to be successful, include these tools in your toolkit.

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About Brenda Barron

Avatar for Brenda BarronBrenda is a writer for Newt Labs. When not writing, she's spending time with her partner and two kids, sipping coffee, and trying to do too many craft projects at once.

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