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7 Top Shared WordPress Hosting Services You Should Consider

Today, most bloggers and would-be site owners prefer to use WordPress due to its numerous advantages. Not only does it have all the tools you need to build a beautiful-looking site from scratch, but it also has a learning curve suited for those with little to no background in web design and development. Everything you need, from themes to plugins, is directly accessible to you through the main dashboard.

However, some site owners overlook other success factors outside their content management system. A good web host, in particular, ensures that your website is up to speed, secure, and reliable in terms of uptime. These qualities directly affect user experience and have rippling effects on your site’s conversion rate, search engine visibility, and overall profitability.

Fortunately, the popularity of WordPress drove web hosts into offering quick and easy-to-use WordPress installation apps. Some even offer specifically designed packages known as Managed WordPress Hosting, which are tailored to run the CMS with maximum efficiency.

If you’re planning to use WordPress to power your site-building endeavours, then below are some of the best web hosting services you can trust:

1. SiteGround


SiteGround is up to par with the best hosting companies in terms of uptime and speed. This is to be expected as SiteGround’s company infrastructure is all about maintaining uptime.

Their servers are built on the LXC (Linux Containers) technology, which allows them to sustain peak performance even with sudden traffic spikes. Furthermore, they implement proactive server monitoring that aims to resolve issues before their effects are felt.

As a result, SiteGround supports hundreds of thousands of domain names with data centres in the US, EU, and Asia due to their reliability. Their customer support agents are also well-trained and can provide accurate solutions to common concerns. And while other companies charge extra for managed WordPress hosting, SiteGround offers it for free on all plans.

2. InMotion Hosting


InMotion is another popular web host with a proven track record. Not only is it affordable for DIY site owners and aspiring bloggers, but it can also provide enterprise-grade performance.

Apart from the fact that all their hosting packages are SSD-powered, clients can also choose the data centre they wish to use. If you’re lucky, then you could be within InMotion’s “Max Speed Zone”, which can further increase the speed of your site by up to six times.

Another reason why you should consider InMotion is its uptime reliability. As a result, it has one of the most impressive uptime records in the competition. According to multiple tests and benchmarks, InMotion can sustain an impressive 99.96% uptime.

3. A2 Hosting

a2 hosting

If you’re looking for ease of use, performance, and time-tested reliability, then A2 Hosting might be the company of choice for you. For well over a decade, this company powered countless sites – even before WordPress and blogging became popular. And despite its track record, it has one of the most economic prices available.

One of the notable features of A2 Hosting is the affordable SSD hosting package, which can deliver up to 300% faster page loading speeds. They also perfected user-friendliness with a “no-click” WordPress installation. Basically, you can immediately integrate WordPress with your homepage right off the bat. But you can still make use of Softaculous from the cPanel to install it manually.

4. Bluehost


Bluehost offers one of the most reliable and cost-effective web hosting solutions in the market. They’re also quite generous when it comes to discounts, so be sure to check if they currently offer good deals.

One of the most notable qualities of Bluehost is that they built their own data centres, whereas some only rent theirs. Furthermore, their team is comprised of specialists with deep knowledge of web hosting, particularly with the Linux environment.

Based on testable benchmarks, Bluehost runs WordPress incredibly fast and outperforms most of the competition in terms of page loading speed. It is also reliable in terms of uptime, but its customer support may take a while to respond. Still, their well-trained staff makes sure your issues can be resolved relatively quickly.

When it comes to the software side, Bluehost offers a user-friendly cPanel that lays out everything you need to manage your web server. Just like most modern hosting companies, they also offer a 1-click installation app for WordPress along with other CMS’ like Joomla and Drupal.

5. DreamHost


Nearing the end of this list, it’s time to focus on one of the biggest names in the web hosting industry. DreamHost leads the pack across the board — with fast loading speeds, reliable uptime, and excellent customer support.

As an award-winning hosting company, DreamHost belongs to the top companies that offer WordPress hosting packages. And to make sure you get the most for your money, they will provide you with a capable infrastructure with auto-scaling RAM to adequately match your needs.

6. Hostwinds


Although Hostwinds is not a well-known host, it is capable of delivering competitive performance and top-notch customer support. Apart from the low price tag, it is also one of the few web hosting companies that offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

In case the built-in live chat and ticketing system aren’t enough, you can also refer to the learning resources available on the Hostwinds website. Here, you can find articles, news, tutorials, and tips to solve your site-building woes. On top of that, their cPanel comes with Softaculous, which enables the easy installation of WordPress. All these qualities make Hostwinds one of the better options for those who are looking to build their first site.

7. GreenGeeks


Powerful, diesel-powered data centres are great, but what if your blog or business brand advocates for the environment? Then it’s only fitting for you to choose GreenGeeks — one of the few hosting companies that offer clean hosting.

Despite their use of clean energy, GreenGeeks can keep up with top hosting companies in terms of speed and uptime. When it comes to customer support, however, the company actually offers a better service than most mainstream web hosts — including the best ones included in this list!

Which WordPress Hosting Option is Right for You?

Shaping a successful future for your online business requires you to leave no room for subpar choices. You need thorough research, comparisons, and resources like this list to make the absolute best decisions. When it comes to web hosting, take your pick from the companies listed above and you are one step closer to your goals.

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About Christopher Jan Benitez

Avatar for Christopher Jan BenitezChris is a professional content marketer and writer. He has helped small businesses achieve their goals by implementing a robust content strategy that emphasises unique selling points and promoting created content using effective online channels and methods.

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