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10 Top WordPress Marketing Plugins To Make Life Easier

As a website owner, you have to take care of a huge number of things when trying to do your best to promote your website and get as many visitors (or potential customers) as possible. However, if you are building your website using WordPress, you can make use of a plethora of WordPress marketing plugins that make your life a bit easier.

Here are 10 useful marketing WordPress plugins that are certainly worth a try. Hopefully, they will help you promote your website more easily and efficiently.

1. Yoast SEO


I will start things off with a plugin that most of you will have probably heard of before. Yoast SEO is an easy-to-use marketing plugin that helps you compose your posts and pages with a specific keyword in mind, which increases your chances of ranking well for it.

How does it work?

Yoast SEO reads through the text of your post or page as you are writing it and presents you with recommendations on what you can improve to rank well. It focuses on keyword placement, images, headings, readability, and much more. You can even edit SEO titles and descriptions to improve your snippets and hopefully increase the click-through rates of your organic search results.

2. AMP


Accelerated mobile pages are essential for post and page SEO nowadays. Google is increasing its focus on the mobile experience of website users. Luckily, getting AMP set up on your website can be very easy and quick, depending on how many errors you will need to fix.

After installation, wait at least 3 days and check WMT (Webmaster Tools) where you will be able to see how many pages have been indexed. You might see that there 0 indexed pages and a couple of errors. It’s essential to fix all of them in order to get your pages indexed. The indexing process can take up to a few weeks but it’s worth it.

If using AMP and Yoast together then I suggest you also get the Glue for Yoast SEO & AMP plugin. This integrates Yoast SEO into your AMP pages to make sure that your metadata is correct.

The Glue for Yoast SEO & AMP plugin also provides you with a simple way to customise your AMP pages.

3. W3 Total Cache

w3 total cache

The performance of your website is also very important. Your visitors hate having to wait for your website to load and search engines know that. That is why your website should load as quickly as possible.

W3 Total Cache plugin helps you speed up your WordPress site in a variety of ways, ranging in complexity, to make your visitors happier and your search engine result positions higher.

4. Broken Link Checker

broken link checker

Displaying links that lead to wrong or non-existing websites can be harmful to your website, both from the perspective of your visitors and search engines.

Broken Link Checker checks all of your content and basically every single link on your WordPress website. If it finds a broken link, you will be quickly notified to correct it. WordPress sites can accumulate a huge number of internal and external links over time and this plugin can help you monitor them and fix them quickly if needed.

5. Title Experiments

title experiments

AB testing is a very efficient way to get better results (more visitors, better conversion rate, etc).

Title Experiments plugin lets you AB test the titles of your posts. Titles are one of the most important parts of a website, which is why this technique can yield really good results.

Engaging titles get more people to click on them, which generates more visitors and page views.

Using this plugin is really easy. Just create multiple versions of a post title and Title Experiments will track the results each title gets. That way, you will be able to choose the best title with confidence.

6. Inline Related Posts

inline related posts

When a visitor comes to your website, you don’t want them to just read one post and leave. You want them to stay for longer and dig deeper into your website. That is why displaying related posts is often a good idea.

Many WordPress themes allow you to display related posts at the end of the page. However, visitors often don’t get to the end of the page before they leave. Use Inline Related Posts to display posts that a visitor may also enjoy as a part of the post. This technique can help you greatly increase the number of page views you get.

7. Editorial Calendar

edtorial calendar

Do you write your content in advance and/or have a big team of writers that you want to coordinate?

Editorial Calendar can really help you.

This plugin displays a calendar that allows you to schedule future posts using drag-and-drop functionality in a fast and efficient manner.

A few other features include :

  • View all of your content in one place by date, category, or author
  • Assign authors and categories to future posts
  • Add posts directly from the calendar interface
  • Schedule post updates and see a list of all scheduled posts

8. Better Click To Tweet

better click to tweet

If Twitter is a widely used social network in your field, you might consider installing the Better Click To Tweet WordPress plugin. It helps you create tweetable parts of content that your visitors can Tweet just with one click. Drive your Twitter engagement through the roof with this plugin.

This plugin is available for free from the WordPress plugin repository.

9. All in One Rich Snippets

schema rich snippets

Rich Snippets present a great way to differentiate your website from your competitors in search results. To use them, you have to add more information (structured data) into your content, which can be time-consuming.

However, if you use the All in One Rich Snippets plugin, adding structured data to your WordPress website will be much easier and faster. Improve the look of your snippets in Google search results and achieve a higher click-through rate.

10. WPForms

wpformsThis plugin is essential for any WordPress site that wants to be successful in marketing. It allows you to create forms and manage your contact information.

Other features include:

  • Integrated with Constant Contact
  • Auto-responder support
  • File uploads
  • Multi-page forms
  • Conditional logic
  • Spam protection

11. Jetpack 


Jetpack is a plugin that supercharges your WordPress site with features previously only available to users. For instance, you can use it for marketing purposes specifically by:

  • Adding a contact form
  • Integrating with social media
  • Automatically sharing your posts
  • Increasing your site’s traffic
  • And much more!

It’s also great for security, performance, and design.

Let WordPress Marketing Plugins Simplify Your Life

If you’re anything like me, you want to simplify your life whenever possible. That’s why WordPress marketing plugins are so amazing – they take all of the guesswork out of digital marketing and make it easy for you to get the most out of your website. So which plugin should you try first? Review our roundup of the best WordPress marketing plugins and find one that fits your needs. Don’t download all plugins especially if you don’t need some of them. Then get ready to see some serious results. Good luck!

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About Viktor Vincej

Avatar for Viktor VincejViktor is the founder of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">WebCreate.Me</a>, a magazine for creative Web Designers. He's a digital nomad, online marketer and a WordPress geek with 5+ years of experience.

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