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5 Services to Offer Alongside Your WordPress Care Business

Are you willing to take your WordPress care business to the next level?

To create a really good WordPress care business you should specialise by focusing on specific set tasks that you can do really well. This will put processes into place, which will streamline your business and your clients will know what to expect. That being said if you’ve got the right team and availability why not take on some extra work? In return you’ll provide more value to your customers and increase your bottom line.

If you need help to make it happen, I’ll lead the way.

In this post, let’s walk through some of the services that you can potentially offer.

1. WordPress Training

There are lots of reasons why WordPress is powering 42.1% of the internet in 2021. And that is why you should gear up your customers with something useful:

WordPress training.

For this, you can create an online course, a book, or any resource. Regardless of the product you offer, the goal is to help businesses with everything they need to build their site on WordPress. Any questions and concerns they might have are yours to address.

Offering WordPress training is practical. Since you’re already offering WordPress services, you already have advanced knowledge about the CMS. Therefore, you can further monetise what you know about the platform and deliver them to your audience.

Below are things your WordPress training must cover:

  • Communication – Due to the number of people using WordPress, it’s common for some websites to look similar, if not the same. Businesses can avoid this not just by creating a beautiful and unique site that showcases their respective brands. You can show them how to create compelling copy and increase their conversions.
  • Optimisation – Unlike other platforms, WordPress allows people to create a site by editing code, installing plugins and more. Beginners might find all this overwhelming, so you need to provide them with a step-by-step process on how to create their site the right way. More importantly, you must share maintenance and security tips to keep their WordPress sites running smoothly.
  • Organisation – Ultimately, people want to delegate WordPress maintenance to their staff if possible. In your training, you can share with them how to create users and grant them privileges to access your site, among other things.

2. Support Tasks

Because you run a WordPress care business, your customers put a lot of faith in you. What you should do then is not to let that faith go to waste by always heeding their call.

Take it from the 96% of people worldwide that confirm the importance of support. And yes, this kind of service is an essential factor in selecting which brands deserve brand loyalty.

So if something is wrong, it’s understandable that your customers will look for answers. And if you have the answers for them, they’ll be grateful to you. By then, they’ll remember you for something praiseworthy:

You were there for them during a time of need.

Whatever they need help with, you come to their rescue. The idea is to put their troubles at ease.

That said, the services you can offer could be plugin support, troubleshooting, and more. You can include hours in the plans that are up for grabs. Or you can up-sell with hourlu requests.

It’s like providing concierge services. Because they can hire you, they can sit back and relax as you troubleshoot their site.

3. SEO Audit and Maintenance

Conducting an SEO audit and a maintenance check on a WordPress site can be tedious and time-consuming. But to improve a site’s visibility and for it to be in excellent condition, skipping the process is a mistake.

Yes, there are free automated audit services out there that can make your readers’ lives easier. For example, visit WooRank to check out an automated audit tool.

To use the tool, all you need to do is enter a site’s URL. Then wait a few seconds to receive a simple content analysis.


But while automated audit services can make an SEO audit easy, they come with a catch. And it’s this:

They don’t provide a complete and detailed evaluation.

So this is where you can come in.

If you have WordPress SEO experience, put it into practice and include it as one of your core services. Due to the value that SEO brings to businesses, you can provide manual customised reports to your clients that tools can’t offer.

This results in satisfied customers who will be more than happy to latch on to your SEO services!

Below are some of the technical factors you need to mention in your report:

  • Check for duplicate site versions – Only one version of a site should be out there.
  • Website crawl issues – Ensure crawlers such as Goolge can access your site to gather useful information about site structure and SEO setup.
  • Manual on-page SEO checks – For a site to make waves on Google and other search engines, it has to be well-crafted. Some things that need necessary tests are title tags and subheaders.

4. Email Marketing

Here’s an interesting tidbit: In 2019, 293.6 billion emails were sent and received per day. And according to the same source, this grand number is likely to rise to 347.3 billion in 2023.

Statista regarding email marketing

So if your customers want to go into email marketing, it’s time for you to enter the picture. Your job is to help them quickly get into this channel by offering them everything they need.

If they don’t know the first thing about email marketing, gear them up with knowledge. You can teach them all about lead generation campaigns, funnel building, and more.

You can also provide tools such as autoresponders and email marketing software. And you can set these tools up on their behalf, too.

5. Content Writing

Content remains king. And in fact, 91% of marketers use content marketing!

So if you have a knack for creating content, why not take advantage of that? What you can bring to the table are blog posts, infographics, case studies, and more.

Offering content writing services is a brilliant idea. And site owners who want to elevate their place on the web would agree that content marketing will make it happen.

They would also agree that to stay fresh in the eyes of Google, publishing content on their site regularly is the way to go. It’s also their ticket to maintaining their site’s online reputation and health.

So go ahead and offer content writing services. And if you do, know that you’re not the only one. Some have even dedicated their site to the content writing service that they offer.


A popular example is Fat Joe. Apart from providing link building resources and SEO tools, it also offers content writing services.


The good thing is, there’s no limit to the kind of services that you can add to your WordPress care business. As long as there’s a market for a particular service, you can have customers.

That said, you also might want to ask yourself this:

“What else am I willing to do for my readers?”

Answer the question, then put the result out there. Or you could ask them and see if you can add it to your list.

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About Christopher Jan Benitez

Avatar for Christopher Jan BenitezChris is a professional content marketer and writer. He has helped small businesses achieve their goals by implementing a robust content strategy that emphasises unique selling points and promoting created content using effective online channels and methods.

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