lady using social media on her phone with a refreshing drink

How to Boost Your Business’ Engagement on Social Media: 7 Key Steps

No matter what you do or where you go, you cannot ignore the power of social media in the business world.

Whether you’re a small business or a global corporation, social media can be your key to success. Across all the major networks, there are over 2.3 billion active social media users, all of them capable of engaging with your online business. Social media networks can provide a gateway to a more profitable business, but you’ll need to improve your engagement rates to get there. In this article, we’ll explore the seven key steps to achieve just that.

Using Visuals & Images

No matter what social media network you’re posting on, you need to ensure you’re using images. Visual graphics help to build a mental image of the message you’re trying to communicate in the heads of your readers. What’s more, it’s been statistically proven that images can help boost your engagement rates by at least 35%, so it’s essential that you use them throughout your article. As a side note, always use paid or free copyright-free images or create your own. Using free copyrighted images may seem tempting however it’s not worth the copyright risk.

Research Your Target Market

It’s impossible to write marketing content for people to engage with if you don’t know whom you’re writing for. Before you begin writing your content, research what who your readers are and what your competitors are writing for them. This will give you a clear idea on what language to use as well as what topics you should be talking about.

Use Tools to Perfect Your Content

Not everybody is a natural writer. As a start-up business, you’ll have to dedicate time to other areas of your operations, but your content still needs to be perfect. To save time and guarantee quality, there are a wealth of tools you can use to generate content on your behalf, saving you time and money. Websites such as Upwork, Freelancer and People Per Hour allows you to hire freelancers that create content to your exact specifications. Alternatively, you can use websites such as Big Assignments, Paper Fellows and UK Writings to collaborate with professional and highly qualified writers that can help guide you with your writing style as well as providing you with essential proofreading and editing services to enable you to have online-ready content.

Continue to Refine and Perfect

The importance of perfecting your content to be the best it can be can never be overstated. Another important tip to remember is to keep your content short and to the point. Instead of writing 5,000 words of content, summarise and give your readers the information in a digestible format so they can get to the end, making them much more likely to engage with the content.

You can use Easy Word Count to monitor your word count as you write. To begin with, try and keep your total word count under 500 words. You can also use a live grammar checker, such as Ginger, while you type to correct any grammatical errors as you write, which will also help you to improve your writing style and skills.

Using Analytical Software

Tracking the performance of your posts is essential to increasing your engagement rates. No matter what social media platform you’re using, you’ll find a whole host of analytical tools you can use to measure what your best performing posts are as well as which posts have the highest engagement rates. It’s vital that you replicate and clone the techniques you used in these posts as they are the most successful and prove that this is what your readers want to read.

Make It Easy to Engage

Your readers won’t engage with your posts if you don’t make it easy for them to do so. This is the main reason most small businesses fail to hit high engagement rates. This is simply a concept they overlook.

No matter what hosting platform you’re using, there’s bound to be a social media sharing plugin you can use that will allow your readers to share your content with their followers effortlessly.

Re-share Your Own Content

This may seem like a no-no tactic when it comes to marketing, but it’s a technique you shouldn’t be afraid to use. Just remember to use it in moderation. For example, if you’ve created an outstanding article and you really want it to get noticed, the first thing you’ll do is to share it across your social media accounts. However, there’s no reason why you can’t share it again the next day or even a couple of hours later. In some cases, this is an extremely effective technique. If someone has already read your content, they’ll simply dismiss a re-share whereas others who have yet to read will get the chance.


You already knew that using social media was a key step for boosting your business, however, by incorporating these key steps into your everyday strategies, you can increase your businesses’ outreach dramatically, taking you to new levels of success that would have previously seemed impossible. Be tactical, be smart and, most importantly, utilise your social media accounts.

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About Sharon Conwell

Avatar for Sharon ConwellSharon has been a content manager and ghost writer for over 20 online projects, now she is a part-time educator and writer at My Writing Way. She loves coffee, tulips and her Shih Tzu named Bobby.

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