The What, Why and How of WordPress Staging Environments Intro

The What, Why and How of WordPress Staging Environments (Infographic)

Are you guilty of making development changes directly on a live site? I don’t care if the audience is so small that you don’t think a staging site is worth it; even if your site has an audience of 100 visitors per month, that audience is still valuable.

Having a staging site means that you can test your changes on the same environment as the live site to ensure that everything is going to work as planned, without your visitors encountering any issues whilst you do it.

Not everybody expects their website to be up 100% of the time but this is something you should strive for; you don’t want your valuable audience encountering a down or broken website as they’re likely to go somewhere else.

Every single change we make at Newt Labs, whether it be a plugin update or a visual change, it always gets deployed to a staging site for testing first.

Check out our infographic below to find out more about staging sites. You’ll learn why staging sites are so important and how you can create your own staging site today.

The What, Why and How of WordPress Staging Environments Infographic

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About Steven Watts

Avatar for Steven WattsSteven is the founder of Newt Labs. He's a WordPress specialist with an interest in building the most effective websites possible. Since 2010, he's been helping businesses with their online goals.

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